A weekend of lovely things ...
This weekend was one full of lovely things. Yes the weather was awful again, I'm starting to think that British Summertime is actually worse than British Wintertime, but when you're doing nice things and with people you love it doesn't seem so gloomy. I did lots of work, but the enjoyable photography kind, starting off with sending a few card parcels. I am really enjoying writing little notes to my customers and wrapping things up with ribbon! I haven't even had to queue at the Post Office too long, which is relatively unheard of!
A lot of kitten cuddling was had by all on Saturday morning, after being woken up at 5.30 am and finding shredding toilet roll everywhere! Kiki is fed up with this weather. She sits looking out of the window at the seemingly endless rain, wondering when she will be able to go out without getting soaked through to the skin. She has taken to bringing her friends around to ours instead of playing outside with them. There is Pixie, Jingle and Ginger (affectionately known by us as Gingero), who all clammer to get inside ours. I think it has become some sort of cat motel. They grab a bite to eat and then run upstairs for a kip. Ginger is the smallest, although he has such a huge amount of fluffy fur it is difficult to tell by looking at him. But pick him up and he's all bone and fluff, light as a feather and nervous as anything. He shivers and frets, while all you want to do is cuddle him and give him some love. Kiki, of course, is not too happy about this. She doesn't necessarily want us petting her all the time but doesn't think it is right that we should give out hugs to other cats willy nilly. Probably why she left us a present of shredded paper all over the carpet. As you can see (below left), she is none too impressed by Gingero being shown some affection.
Perhaps it was the smell of baking that brought them all to our door on Saturday morning. Seeing as the weather was bad and it was very early, I decided to experiment in the kitchen. I wanted to turn a brownie recipe into one for cupcakes and add some pazazz, so what better time? An hour or so later (and a ton of washing up later, grr...), I had a batch of raspberry, white chocolate and hazelnut cupcakes with raspberry flavoured, pink buttercream (topped with glitter). Not only were the cakes topped with buttercream and glitter, but so was I! I'm not sure how, but it was in my hair and I later found some inside my top...! That was after I had eaten lots of raw cake mix, sampled a cake (well, you just have to, don't you?) and had a sugar crash, all before 9.30am.
Saturday afternoon brought a location scout for an upcoming wedding that I am doing (I am not nervous, I am not nervous, I am not nervous ....). It is is such a beautiful location, a church in the sea, and I think it will be a rather beautiful day. The setting is stunning, just the church is so tiny that the angles are going to be tight! I did even contemplate hiding in the pulpit! There are lots of photo opportunities there, we just have to keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't rain or is too stormy (or the wedding will get moved to a larger church on the mainland).
The church holds about 50 people and only has 3 small windows. It is adorable though, white washed stone walls, beautiful beams. It is so rustic and charming. A total dream for a wedding! If I were getting married here, I'd have beautiful little flowers and ribbons tied to the chairs. In fact, it was sort of my idea that the couple are getting married here. Rhid and I had said that we would quite like a very tiny wedding (when that day comes), possibly on a church on an island in the sea. I like the idea of walking to it in wellies and popping on pretty shoes when I am inside...I was chatting to the groom, a year and a half ago, and mentioned this. They thought it was a brilliant idea and they only live 10 minutes away from this church on Anglesey. Perfect! It's a lovely idea. The views are wonderful; sea, mountains, beach. What more could you ask for?
I even had time to squeeze in something floral before the rain set in on Sunday. I found a tiny patch of poppies (small and windswept) and got a beautiful bouquet of roses from my parents' garden. They adore roses and have (probably) hundreds, delicate colours and scents that fill the air. I have always liked roses but never really loved them as much as my mum, but now I am starting to fall for them. They come in such delightful shades and their scent can fill a room. Shh, don't tell anyone, but I think they might just be stealing a tiny piece of my heart.
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